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First Aid Kits – How One Kit Can Cater for All of Your First Aid Needs

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Risk plays a large part in our daily lives, no matter what we do.  When we see children learn to walk, ride a bike, or even just playing with their friends, they run the risk of falling and hurting themselves.  Sports involve varying degrees of risk depending on the activity.  Swimming, cycling, and climbing all have their own level of risk.  These are just a few risks we may encounter just by living a full and active life, and I haven’t even mentioned any extreme activities such as bungee jumping or sky diving!

With so much necessary but calculated risk involved in daily activities that are a part of our leisure, is it any wonder that in the working environment we encounter much of the same.  This calls for measures to help manage them effectively with the use of workplace first aid kits.  Especially if you work in areas that require special care and attention, for example, when working around electrical devices, using sharp tools and live machinery, maintenance and building work that require working at height, or even working in the emergency services.

But what use is a first aid kit without suitable contents?  As an example of what we mean, if you are most likely to encounter electrical burns, wouldn’t your work first aid kit reflect that fact?  What if you’re working in building and maintenance where dust particles and debris are always around?  Wouldn’t you benefit from having more than one eye wash kit present with your other supplies?  Some workplace environments may even include a separate eye wash station, or even an entire first aid station with the eye wash facility readily available, within easy reach.

When looking for first aid kits for sale you need a reliable service, that not only gives you the correct contents on product arrival, but also can help keep first aid supplies updated and restocked.  This is not just so you make sure you are complying with law and legislation when the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) arrives to make sure you have an HSE approved first aid kit on your premises, it is also common sense.

As UK law and Health and Safety legislation naturally differs from other governing bodies, in order to guarantee you receive the correct contents for your kit you need first aid kits for UK workplaces.  To avoid the chances of getting poor quality supplies for your kit, that may not be suitable for treating the injury or worse still may cause further harm, it is best to order from a reputable UK supplier.  Work Safety Solutions are a UK based company that can care for all of your first aid kit and supply needs.

And don’t forget for company vehicles and drivers Work Safety Solutions recommends and provides a travel first aid kit so no matter where you travel to, you have an excellent first aid kit to hand.



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